Image Credit

We at Makeup Wearables believe in the transparency and authenticity of our content, images, videos, and other related materials. Therefore, we don’t and will never hesitate to give the credit to the respective owner.

The images, photographs, pictures, or screenshots (collectively called “pictures”) used on our platform are included for Fair Use or other legal principles. These pictures may be protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights under the law.

Regarding copyrighted material, where intellectual property rights apply to these pictures, we at Makeup Wearables believe in good faith that they are available to Fair Use or other legal doctrines. We use these pictures only to offer educational content, share general information, and foster discussions about the subject matter.

We understand that the original source of the pictures holds rights to them. In those cases, whenever possible, we credit the respective source and owner of each picture alongside the respective image. 

We want to clarify that Makeup Wearables does not claim ownership of copyrights, trademarks, or other rights to titles, images, etc. These rights remain with their respective owners. Our use of these pictures is either by permission or aligns with the Fair Use clause of the Copyright Act or other relevant legal doctrines.

At Makeup Wearables, we hold immense respect for the intellectual property of others. However, if you believe that your work has been used in a way that infringes your rights, we encourage you to contact us for a friendly resolution of your concerns.You may write to us at or connect with us through our Contact Us page.